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- Trivia
- Hurtaly is a legendary giant who appears as an ancestor of Gargantua in the pentalogy of novels The life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel by François Rabelais, where he is depicted as having survived the great flood by sitting astride Noah's ark. He is also characterized as a fine eater of soups and as having reigned during the time of the deluge. The name is not original to Rabelais. It is commented in Rabelais and His Critics that the ancestors are: “biblical Jewish giants such as Hurtaly of rabbinic legend; his name in Hebrew means ‘he who has survived’” whilst another source states that Hurtaly is based on the biblical Og, Amorite King of Bashan, and that Rabelais was paraphrasing the Jewish commentaries of the ancient sage Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrkanos.
- Structure
- Hurtaly is an independent initiative which is self-funded, and wholly unaffiliated with anyone or with any interest group. Born out of frustration for the failings of a regressive press, this project was conceived in the public interest to disseminate facts which otherwise go widely unreported, or do not even see the light of day. We hope to play our part in building a diverse community with the aim, not only to spread information, but, to suggest practical alternatives and solutions to the challenges we face. We endeavour to stimulate public debate on all issues covered, which can be done via our blog and web forum. Collectively, you can vastly influence the expansion of the community by sharing links with those who you associate with on social media sites, in the same way that you can by sending referrals out to friends/acquaintances. Only through your input and others like yourself will this project go viral and thrive.
- Contributions
- Daniel Barnett
Barry de Vault Ludmila Wheeler Laurent Vo Ahn
- Acknowledgements
- Prof. Mordechai Kedar
Simon Shack Paul Grignon G. Edward Griffin
- Statement
- Content transmitted via https://www.atarion.com in the form of videos, images and articles is strictly not for profit. We pledge to you that this website will forever stay ad free. Websites which sustain video streaming are quite costly to maintain, particularly when bandwidth limits and disk space need to be augmented to meet demand. To help make a difference towards alleviating our overheads, we raise capital uniquely by selling items through our online catalogue. As an organization, we are entirely self-funded; and we solicit neither donations nor investments to preserve our stance. Our approach is that we find the sale of our merchandise to be the most equitable method for our sustenance. In this way, we get to promote our catalogue, our customers get to partake through their custom, and, our information spread—the essence of what this project is all about—carries on expanding with each incremental member of our community. This project lives or dies from its audience base. We cannot feasibly succeed without you.