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Uploaded on Thursday 11 February, 2021 to the espionage ring |
The amendment to the preceding act |
After parts of the USA PATRIOT Act were struck down in Congress on the 1st of June 2015 as regards section 215 that delegated powers to the intelligence services to harness and monitor any records generated from telecoms companies and internet service providers, the USA FREEDOM Act was signed into law the following day on the 2nd of June 2015 as a compromise. This act required the NSA to go after specific individuals or phone numbers in order to obtain access to records, rather than to vacuum up all of the metadata at will. However, this restriction does not extend to telecoms companies and the NSA will still be able to get its hands on the metadata through the obtention of secret warrants delivered by FISA courts, a process known as PRISM Collection. Edward Snowden gave an interview to TED in 2014 in which he revealed that, in the past 33 years, secret courts had rejected eleven government requests for warrants out of a stack of thirty four thousand requests. By this metric, secret courts authorized warrants at a rate of 99.97 per cent of the time. Critics therefore argue that the USA FREEDOM Act is nothing short of window dressing enacted to ensure the resumption of wiretapping by the government and its affiliations. |
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